Rocco Alexander
12.14.13 | 12:46 am
7lb 9oz, 21 inches
big brother, Joaquin. just as sweet as he is handsome. :)
and this, i had to include. people say babies can't smile until they are's got to be gas, etc...but this. this was a real reaction to his mama's voice. he was fussing a little, and natalie was away tending to her other son. (that is his daddy's hand:) i was really amazed at his reaction when she returned. the way babies search for their mama when she speaks is really one of life's biggest gifts, if you ask me. but oh, rocco, your alertness. at 2 days old!
also, if this doesn't make you smile, you're a rusty old robot inside.
this is luke and sarah. they have been together for ten years (!!), and married a few years ago. it's not hard to imagine them as elderly people still in love, the kind that you see holding hands on a park bench. (aw! ;)
it was so fun to photograph a couple this way. married, established, not expectant of anything (wedding, baby, etc), and just in love. most of the time, we want photos of occasions or events, and forget that every portion of our life is a milestone. not mundane, it just is. and recognizing that is just so...nice.
i enjoyed spending this part of our morning together! xo.
i know what you're thinking. we're all thinking it. HOW is it already november?! are we really about to close out another year? the speed that time has picked up is starting to get a little out of hand. i mean, i can't even remember things as they come anymore!
oh yeah, that's why i take photos. (seriously. my memory is not to be relied on!)
with the holidays approaching, it's always a great time to document exactly how you feel, with those whom you love, right now. to share with others, to tell a portion of your story, but mostly so that you never forget. so...who's up for a holiday special?!
just like last year, i'll be booking mini-sessions now through december at $75.
christmas card? done. gift for a grandparent? also a great idea.
email me at for details and booking!
hope to hear from you soon!
(image via pi'lo shop)